Sinopsis del Libro

What would you do if some unknown force brought you together with a group of people not by the color of your skin or a biological connection but by love and fate? Stepping off the elevator at her job Raevin collides into a magnificent well-defined taut muscled black hair, sky blue eyed Tristan. He makes her body quiver with a need she has never felt before. Tristan found himself reaching out to steady the most gorgeous, sensuous woman he has ever seen. When Tristan stares into the silver eyed voluptuous, honey-bronzed beauty he finds himself blissfully aware hes losing his self-control. Surprisingly Raevins job has brought her family and friends to Tristans ranch where his family and friends are based. They uncover a malicious force lurking close ready to destroy the bonds they are forging together. Raevins Ex-boyfriend Randell Green creeps on to The Renyea Ranch kidnapping his ultimate prize. Randell is unaware of Raevins extreme antipathy towards him or her love for Tristan. Raevin is cultured, beautiful and her family is one of the most powerful and influential in their social circle. In Randell deluded mind he believes the only reason Raevin ended their relationship was her familys animosity towards him and his lack of funds. A minor problem he plans to rectify.
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Total de páginas 426
- L. Rayne
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