Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Hoyos / Holes

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Hoyos / Holes

As further evidence of his family's bad fortune which they attribute to a curse on a distant relative, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a hellish correctional camp in the Texas desert where he finds his first real friend, a treasure, and a new sense of himself. As further evidence of his family's bad fortune, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a hellish correctional camp in the Texas desert where he finds his first real friend, a treasure, and a new sense of himself.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : El Libro De La Pelicula, La Maldicion De Los Hoyos

Total de páginas 238


  • Louis Sachar
  • Elena Abos


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93 Valoraciones Totales

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