Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

CIUTI-Forum 2008

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro CIUTI-Forum 2008

Quality assurance has been a major issue in Higher Education discourse during the past decade. Evaluations, accreditations and assessments have almost become standard procedures within the framework of translation studies. This quest for quality has not only to integrate market needs and new market requirements, but also novel strategies in training - whereby training learners and trainers has to be given equal attention. Translation quality has become a key issue in the interlinguistic and intercultural communication market as well as in the translator education environment. It has to be looked upon as a multifaceted issue to which all major players have to contribute: institutes of higher education, labor market and individual translators. Within the framework of the CIUTI FORUM 2008, the speakers emphasized the different aspects of quality from the point of view of the trainer, the professional and the market. This volume tries to highlight all those quality issues from an international, interdisciplinary and multifaceted perspective.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Enhancing Translation Quality : Ways, Means, Methods

Total de páginas 409


  • Martin Forstner
  • Hannelore Lee-jahnke
  • Peter A. Schmitt


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