Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Ants of gold

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Ants of gold

For Eduardo Urios-Aparisi poetry is above all, word, spoken word. Word that commits, pronounces, sounds. Word that leaves knots in the voice. For Urios, words play and challenge to play, to conceive the world from different and unsuspected points of view. The poems reflect the senses of the poet; moment to moment, in seduction, abandonment, and loss. It is reality flowing and always fleeing; fragmentary, accelerated, changing and unattainable.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 104


  • Eduardo Urios-aparisi


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45 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Abandonado

I am discovering the love that I have for myself. I am finding comfort in being alone. I can take all that time to better myself and my craft. Both entities I have mentioned are improving tremendously. I have made a lot of mistakes, yes. I have said a lot of things that I had no business saying, yes. Through those errors is where the true growth comes in. I'm glad that I was singled out, or not paid any attention to. It gave me all the motivation that I needed. Thank you.

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