Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile


Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¡Vuele!

Take your career to the next level, realize your greatest dreams, and embrace your God-given talents with this practical game plan for your professional and personal life. Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children. But it's never too late to get your dreams off the ground -- God sees great things in your future! If you long to amplify your unique abilities, if you strive to balance personal fulfillment and professional satisfaction, if you dream of fulfilling God's destiny for you, then you are ready to Soar! In Soar! T.D. Jakes reveals how to transform your own unique vision into a powerful contribution to the world. Blending a CEO's practical business acumen with a life coach's dynamic inspiration, Soar! will stir your imagination into action, challenge you to embrace your God-given purpose, and align your character and creativity with your career. Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, Soar! is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside of you. You'll learn how to adopt the mindset of people who don't wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights. So buckle your seat belt and prepare for liftoff -- you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely soar!

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Construya su visión desde cero

Total de páginas 272



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