Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Oremos Con Cristo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Oremos Con Cristo

Cho explica el 'Padre nuestro' desde un punto de vista singular. Su lectura lo ayudara a orar de una manera mas eficaz."

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 176



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66 Valoraciones Totales

Más obras de David Yonggi Cho

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Cambia Tu Mentalidad

Libro Cambia Tu Mentalidad

David Yonggi Cho, has spent 44 years emphasizing the importance of cell group ministry, which he believes is the key to church growth, as well as team ministry. If we could boil the content of this book down to one phrase, we would say that it offers a message of hope. And, as such, it will prove a great inspiration and stimulus for Christian life, both for the individual believer and for the church.

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