Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Un día de trabajo de un astrónomo (A Day at Work with an Astronomer)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Un día de trabajo de un astrónomo (A Day at Work with an Astronomer)

Readers will set their eyes to the night sky in this fascinating book about astronomers. This volume is a perfect combination between STEM and career guidance as it introduces readers to the different ways astronomers use science, technology, engineering, and math in their work every day. Readers will love learning about celestial bodies and space phenomena, as well as the different processes and equipment astronomers use to observe, collect, and analyze data. This book also covers the steps a person can take to become an astronomer. The curriculum-based information in this book is conveyed through accessible and engaging text and color photographs. Fun fact boxes and graphic organizers provide additional information to show readers that in a STEM career, the sky is never the limit.

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Total de páginas 24



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