Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Programa Tus Proyectos Con Scratch 3.0: Una Guía Visual Para Programar Animaciones, Juegos, Ilusiones Ópticas, Música

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Programa Tus Proyectos Con Scratch 3.0: Una Guía Visual Para Programar Animaciones, Juegos, Ilusiones Ópticas, Música

A step-by-step visual guide to building your own computer games using Scratch 3.0 Scratch 3.0 has landed, so stay ahead of the curve with this fully updated guide for beginner coders. Kids will love the step-by-step, visual approach that makes even the most difficult coding concepts fun and easy to understand. Coding Games in Scratch, 2nd Edition, blends coding theory with the practical task of creating exciting games. Children learn the fundamentals of computer programming by seeing how to build their own games. Coding theory is taught through practical tasks, so young programmers don't just learn how computer code works; they learn why it's done that way. Jumpy Monkey shows them how to simulate gravity in their games, or they can give Dog's Dinner a try to learn about collision detection. Once they've zoomed through the book, the possibilities are endless!

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Total de páginas 224


  • Jon Woodcock


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