Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Minecraft. Guia de: Redstone / Minecraft: Guide to Redstone

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Libro Minecraft. Guia de: Redstone / Minecraft: Guide to Redstone

Convi�rtete en un ingeniero experto y construye impresionantes obras de redstone con esta gu�a oficial de Minecraft. Aqu� aprender�s a usar los componentes de redstone, a montar circuitos funcionales y a levantar ingeniosas estructuras. Con informaci�n privilegiada por parte de los expertos de Mojang, �sta es la gu�a definitiva para las obras de ingenier�a de Minecraft. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Learn the art of redstone and become a master engineer with Minecraft: Guide to Redstone, then put theory into practice to construct intricate contraptions in Minecraft. Pick up the basics of the redstone components and their uses, discover how to make working circuits, and create incredibly complex builds using your new skills. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to redstone in Minecraft.

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