Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Historias paralelas

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Historias paralelas

Se reúne las ponencias presentadas en este encuentro realizado en la PUCP, agosto del 2003. Los artículos esbozan una aproximación a una historia comparada entre Perú y México, países cuyos territorios albergaron a dos de las más altas culturas de la antigüedad americana y que fueron sede de los virreinatos fundados en el Nuevo Mundo durante el s. XVI.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : actas del primer encuentro de historia Perú-México

Total de páginas 430



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51 Valoraciones Totales

Más obras de Margarita Guerra

La ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)

Libro La ocupación de Lima (1881-1883)

"Carefully researched study of the economic impact of the Chilean occupation of Lima during the War of the Pacific. Looks at banking and the roles of emerging Spanish and Chinese merchants. Concludes that the economic 'ruin' of Lima by the end of the occupation was nearly complete. Suggests that the economic issues of the Chilean occupation were so profound that they played a significant role in delaying the final settlement of the War of the Pacific claims until 1929"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Libros similares de Mexico

La política económica durante el gobierno de Francisco I. Madero

Libro La política económica durante el gobierno de Francisco I. Madero

"Examines Madero's economic ideas and his approach to various economic issues, including labor-management relations, agrarian reform, and fiscal policy. Argues that Madero's economic policies fell somewhere between 19th-century Liberalism and a more modern interventionism"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Ferrocarriles y vida económica en México, 1850-1950

Libro Ferrocarriles y vida económica en México, 1850-1950

"Six essays approach the history of Mexican railroads from the perspective of the 'new economic history.' See especially Soto's essays on the relationship between industry and railroads in Monterrey, and Grunstein Dickter on the difference in approach between the científicos and the Carrancistas; however, all essays are important and well done. Recommended"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

La casa de España en México

Libro La casa de España en México

La historia de una instituci n de altos estudios tan singular como La Casa de Espa a, y su sucesora El Colegio de M xico -a ya cinco d cadas de su fundaci n- es parte imprescindible de la historia de la cultura en M xico: una historia que est por hacerse y que esta Jornada contribuye a realizar.

Gesto, identidad y memoria

Libro Gesto, identidad y memoria

Catalogue of an exhibition organized within the framework of the celebrations for the Bicentennial of the Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution that explore how the national heroes were portrayed in art in the early 19th century. An interesting inclusion is the iconography of national heroes in relation to the sculptures of classic antiquity. The exhibition includes close to 110 pieces including sculptures, paintings, prints, photography, books, manuscripts and some magazines largely produced in the 19th Century in México and Europe.

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