Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Esperanza en una Era de Cinismo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Esperanza en una Era de Cinismo

Jimmy Long, a campus minister for more than twenty-five years, is convinced that we are in the middle of a societal hurricane. As our culture moves further into post-modernity, now is a time of enormous and rapid change. How do we "do church" in such an era? How do we reach the lost? How do we communicate hope?In Emerging Hope Long traces the connections between post-modernism and the emerging generations--Generation X and the millennial generation--highlighting implications for evangelism and discipleship. What emerges is a compelling strategy for ministry that will appeal to a generation starved for a sense of belonging.

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Titulo Alternativo : Emerging Hope

Total de páginas 256


  • Jimmy Long


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