Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

El Poder Del Yo Soy/ The Power of I Am

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Poder Del Yo Soy/ The Power of I Am

"Fear, anger, anxiety, negativity, rudeness, information overload, the stressors of modern life can make just getting through the day a daunting task. The author uses real-world experiences to show readers how to stop being drained by "energy vampires," how to defuse conflict by boosting energy levels when trouble comes, how to eliminate stage fright and other social anxieties, how to increase personal magnetism and sense of self, and how to tap the existing, but often dormant, power of the mind for personal transformation."

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Instituyendo Un Nuevo Mundo De Interaccion Personal Consciente

Total de páginas 291


  • John Maxwell Taylor


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