Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

100 Preguntas Sobre Sexo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro 100 Preguntas Sobre Sexo

Is what's happening to me normal? Is there any truth to sexual myths? What differences are there between men's and women's sexual experiences? What aspects of daily life affect desire? What can someone do to boost sexual chemistry? What are some of the most common sexual problems? What do we definitively know about sex? Living in a sexually free society doesn't mean that we know everything about the subject. The lack of reliable information makes us vulnerable to problems and insecurities. This book offers answers to the biggest questions surrounding your personal life, using clear, simple language. The results and conclusions presented here come from years of clinical experience and research from two experts.

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Total de páginas 240


  • Manuel Fernández
  • Berta Fornes


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