Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Posada Y Manilla

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Posada Y Manilla

Jose Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) and Manuel Manilla (ca. 1830-1895) are the greatest exponents of Mexican popular engraving. For decades they illustrated thousands of printed matter of various kinds. Among his numerous works are the engravings for one hundred and eighty stories dedicated to children. The book in question is a compendium of the representative sample of the best works of these engravers, whose work places them as the pioneers of the illustration of Mexican children's stories. It is divided in small chapters that classify and reunite the engravings and stories of the stories and their protagonists: kings, princes and fairies; Courageous children, infernal beings and beyond; Animals of fable, as well as historical and legendary characters. The tour is a panoramic view, written for all ages, a little known facet of this pair of unequaled recorders. The book has a hundred reproductions, some unpublished, a great avant-garde design that includes a facsimile of El Rey and his three children and a shirt that unfolds in a small poster. It is the number 15 of the Library of Mexican Illustrators collection. 120 illustrations

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Titulo Alternativo : Artistas Del Cuento Mexicano

Total de páginas 99



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Más obras de Mercurio López Casillas

Posada and Manilla

Libro Posada and Manilla

José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) and Manuel Manilla (c. 1830-1895) were the foremost exponents of Mexican printmaking and engraving for the penny press. Over a period of decades they produced thousands of prints and illustrations of all different kinds, including engravings for one hundred and eighty children's books and stories.

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