Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

New Total English

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro New Total English

In every student book you will find: Extensive speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary sections Thorough grammar sections with clear examples and practice Comprehensive listening activities with scripts Contemporary, engaging reading materials taken from authentic sources Writing Banks with the chance to practice different writing styles And finally, the Review and Practice pages after each unit bring all the learning activities together ActiveBook is a complete digital version of the Students' Book on one CD. It is a convenient and simple tool with easy navigation and zoom facility. Videos and audios embedded in the text are available at the touch of a button from a student's computer screen.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Pre-intermediate

Total de páginas 160


  • Araminta Crace
  • Diane Hall
  • Richard Acklam


Formatos Disponibles:


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71 Valoraciones Totales

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