Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Green Eyes and Fireflies

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Green Eyes and Fireflies

Green Eyes and Fireflies, her second book, a continuation of her book This Life and the Fireworks contains 57 vignettes (her fans call them cupcakes) in which you live vicariously with the author. Each unique story will capture your imagination. Life, love, war, true stories, poems, fiction, and a play, are all here for your entertainment. Like that box of chocolates with all the flavors, shapes and colors to entice you, each one a confection to savor. So be brave and flit about like a firefly feasting and enjoy the illuminations this author brings. Like the wonderful refrain from that famous song Swingin on a Star, by Van Heusen and Burke: Would you like to swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar, and be better off than you are, the author covers this promise allow her to light up your life with amazing experiences, Be Italian, See the Taj, etc!

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Total de páginas 210


  • Carole Dale


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