Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Expedicion a Los Mundos Perdidos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Expedicion a Los Mundos Perdidos

This book captures the most stunning studies, the difficulties, the dangers, and the experiences during a 10-year period of travel and expeditions. Author Juan Jesus Vallejo journeys across five continents, giving us a glimpse into the pyramids in Peru that are older than the Egyptian pyramids; the first human temples with more than 10,000 years of history, discovered in the dusty fields of Kurdistan; and the largest and most puzzling painted rocks on the planet, in nearly unexplored areas of the Sahara. An endless stream of riddles, anecdotes, and facts, this book demonstrates that the world in which we live is a fascinating, magical puzzle that still offers a multitude of surprises."

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Total de páginas 364


  • Juan Jesús Vallejo


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