Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

En La Granja de Pepito

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro En La Granja de Pepito

Play along with this well-loved rhyme and an adorable cow puppet! This classic rhyme about Old MacDonald and the animals on his farm features a fun finger puppet toy built into the book, encouraging interactive play, hand-eye coordination, and language development in your little one. Babies and toddlers learn best when they are playing, especially when their grown-ups share in the fun! Collect the entire series in the Finger Puppet Collection! This rhyming story entertains while teaching language patterns The adorable cow finger puppet encourages interactive play between little ones and their grown ups Soft plush and a rhyming story combine to provide both tactile and verbal learning opportunities Practice hand-eye coordination while enjoying together time Great gift for Valentine's Day, Mothers Day, Father's Day, Easter, Grandparent's Day and birthdays

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