Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Recuperemos El Terreno Perdido

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Recuperemos El Terreno Perdido

A veces los cristianos olvidamos que tenemos un enemigo. Pero al bajar la guardia solo un instante, Satanas -siempre buscando una oportunidad- esta esperando para atacar; no solo a usted, sino tambien a su familia. Jim Logan muestra como solo Cristo puede salvar su hogar de los destructivos poderes de la amargura, la falta de perdon, el orgullo y la ira. Sometimes Christians forget they have an enemy. But let your guard down for just a moment and Satan--ever watchful for an opportunity--is waiting to attack not just you, but your family as well. Jim Logan shows how Christ alone can save your home from the destructive powers of bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, and anger. Editorial Reviews Review This is one of the clearest and most practical biblical treatments of Christian warfare I've ever read. This is a basic manual for all Christians who want to keep their children from Satanic bondage. -Warren W. Wiersbe, Author, Conference Speaker You can appreciate a well written book with a message of truth whenever you read it. This is such a book. A good book takes on added significance when you know and respect the author. Jim Logan is a walking, living testimony to the truth of what he writes. -Mark I. Bubeck, Author, Pastoral counselor Here is a book I've been waiting for. It shows how victory over satanic strongholds is possible. I look forward to using it to help people be free--and stay free in Christ. -Erwin W. Lutzer, Author, Pastor Biblical and practical! Honest use of this book will transform many individuals and families. -C. Fred Dickason, Author, Professor Here is a volume that will help both healthy and hurting families to find victory in the spiritual battle in which all Christians are engaged. While some aspects of the book may seem foreign to sheltered believers, Reclaiming Surrendered Ground provides practical, biblical counsel on how to live on the victory side both individually and as a family. -J. Donald Blue, Ph.D, President, CAM International As I travel to the nations of the world to preach the gospel, I sense that the intensity of the battle for the hearts of people is growing rapidly. The heart of the battle in the West seems to be the family. As nations and as individuals we have given up much ground to the enemy. Jim Logan's book is very timely, theologically sound, and greatly needed. He points us to the ground in our lives and families that have been surrendered to Satan. He then directs us to biblical and practical solutions to reclaiming that ground. I heartily commend this book to Christians everywhere. -Sammy Tippit, Author, International evangelist Jim Logan speaks and writes from a background of extensive study, reading, teaching, and ministry experience. He makes a very significant contribution to the current discussion on the on-going, spiritual conflict between our Lord and His people on the one side and Satan and his followers on the other. This book should be read and studied widely in the church, and its principles and guidelines implemented. -Dr. Timothy M. Warner, Author, Teacher

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Total de páginas 208


  • Jim Logan


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