Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Un pequeño favor /A Simple Favor

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Un pequeño favor /A Simple Favor

TODO COMENZÓ CON UN PEQUEÑO FAVOR, UNA AMABILIDAD ORDINARIA QUE LAS MAMÁS HACEN UNAS POR OTRASCuando su mejor amiga, Emily, le pide a Stephanie que recoja a su hijo Nicky después de la escuela, acepta sin siquiera dudarlo. Nicky y su hijo, Miles, son compañeros de clase y mejores amigos, y los niños de cinco años aman estar juntos, al igual que ella y Emily. Stephanie estaba sola hasta que conoció a Emily, una ejecutiva de relaciones públicas sofisticada cuyo trabajo en Manhattan exige mucho de su tiempo. Pero Emily no aparece. No contesta llamadas ni mensajes. Stephanie sabe que algo está terriblemente mal: Emily nunca dejaría a Nicky, no importa lo que diga la policía. Aterrorizada, pide ayuda a los lectores de su blog. También se acerca al marido de Emily, el guapo y enigmático Sean, con quien encuentra apoyo emocional. Entonces, ella y Sean reciben noticias impactantes… ¿Han encontrado a Emily? ¿Estará muerta? ¿Será el fin de esta pesadilla o el comienzo? Pronto Stephanie se da cuenta de que nada, ni la amistad, ni el amor, ni siquiera un pequeño favor, es tan simple como parece. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Riveting and brilliantly structured, A Simple Favor is an edge-of-your seat domestic thriller about a missing wife and mother that relies on a rotating cast of unreliable narrators to ingeniously examine the cost of competitive mom-friends, the toll of ordinary marital discontent and the fallacy of the picture-perfect, suburban family. —Kimberly McCreight, New York Times bestselling author She’s your best friend. She knows all your secrets. That’s why she’s so dangerous. A single mother's life is turned upside down when her best friend vanishes in this chilling debut thriller in the vein of Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train. It starts with A simple favor—an ordinary kindness mothers do for one another. When her best friend, Emily, asks Stephanie to pick up her son Nicky after school, she happily says yes. Nicky and her son, Miles, are classmates and best friends, and the five-year-olds love being together—just like she and Emily. A widow and stay-at-home mommy blogger living in woodsy suburban Connecticut, Stephanie was lonely until she met Emily, a sophisticated PR executive whose job in Manhattan demands so much of her time. But Emily doesn’t come back. She doesn’t answer calls or return texts. Stephanie knows something is terribly wrong—Emily would never leave Nicky, no matter what the police say. Terrified, she reaches out to her blog readers for help. She also reaches out to Emily’s husband, the handsome, reticent Sean, offering emotional support. It’s the least she can do for her best friend. Then, she and Sean receive shocking news. Emily is dead. The nightmare of her disappearance is over. Or is it? Because soon, Stephanie will begin to see that nothing—not friendship, love, or even an ordinary favor—is as simple as it seems. A Simple Favor is a remarkable tale of psychological suspense—a clever and twisting free-fall of a ride filled with betrayals and reversals, twists and turns, secrets and revelations, love and loyalty, murder and revenge. Darcey Bell masterfully ratchets up the tension in a taut, unsettling, and completely absorbing story that holds you in its grip until the final page.

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  • Darcey Bell


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