Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Pam Holden (5 libros)

Alimenta los patos (Readaloud)

Libro Alimenta los patos (Readaloud)

Feed the Ducks Spanish Edition. Have you ever gone to the duck pond to feed the ducks? Beth took a bag of bread to the park to feed the ducks. On the way to the pond she met some other animals. They all looked very hungry. What do you think happened? Can you count all the animals she met?

Incubando huevos (Readaloud)

Libro Incubando huevos (Readaloud)

Hatching Eggs Spanish Edition. You know that chickens hatch out of eggs. Lots of other baby animals hatch out of eggs too. Birds and fish lay eggs to hatch their babies. What other animals hatch out of eggs?

¿De quién es esta cola? (Readaloud)

Libro ¿De quién es esta cola? (Readaloud)

Whose Tail is This? Spanish Edition. Animals’ tails are all different shapes and sizes. Some animals have tails that are wide, or strong, or curly. Some are white, and some have stripes. One tail is very beautiful – which one is it?

Hagamos un volcán

Libro Hagamos un volcán

Let’s Make a Volcano Spanish Edition. What do you know about a volcano? When a mountain erupts, it explodes! Hot melted rock, called lava, comes out of its top and flows down the side of the mountain! People need to keep away from real volcanoes, but you can have fun making your own volcano!

Liebre y Tortuga

Libro Liebre y Tortuga

Hare & Tortoise Spanish Edition. A tortoise is an animal that moves very slowly. A hare is an animal that runs very fast. A tortoise has short legs and a hare has long legs. If they had a race, who do you think would win?