Once expresiones del arte colombiano contemporáneo

Contiene el trabajo de 11 artistas Colombianos modernos. Contiene el trabajo de 11 artistas Colombianos modernos.
Revista de literatura Chile
Contiene el trabajo de 11 artistas Colombianos modernos. Contiene el trabajo de 11 artistas Colombianos modernos.
A study of artistic expression in relation to the narco-drug culture in Colombia.This study won the first prize of the "Modalidad ensayos de autor 2008"
"Catalogue of an exhibition that celebrated the 40th version of the Salón Nacional de Artistas, presenting a retrospective review of the modern history of art in Colombia, and how the political and social transformations and changes have been linked to the local art production. First organized in 1940 as part of the cultural policies during the historic period known as La Republica Liberal (1930-1946), the Salón became a consolidated cultural space that now allows a better understanding of the art production in Colombia of the second half of the 20th century. Includes works by participant...
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