Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Rosa Barocio (4 libros)

Disciplina Con Amor. Soluciones Día a Día

Libro Disciplina Con Amor. Soluciones Día a Día

Para los padres que claman por soluciones claras... y ¡al grano!, Rosa Barocio nos ofrece un libro único con ayudas prácticas para situaciones que son "el pan de todos los días". Señala actitudes que lastiman y muestra nuevas maneras respetuosas para poner límites y orientar desde un acercamiento amoroso.

Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

Libro Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

In a time of great changes in the family dynamic, this book is dedicated to grandparents, whose tendency is to spoil--a word that can have different connotations. When used as an expression of love and unconditional acceptance, it nourishes and strengthens a grandchild's emotional well-being. Spending time with grandparents becomes a treat rather than a chore. But when the spoiling begins to get out of hand, a lack of self-control, no limits when it comes to disrespect, or acting against the wishes of the parents--this type of spoiling is harmful. Grandparents who spoil in this manner...

Disciplina Con Amor Tus Emociones: Soltando Lo Que Te Estorba

Libro Disciplina Con Amor Tus Emociones: Soltando Lo Que Te Estorba

Con esta lectura Rosa Barocio nos invita a revisar nuestra mochila. Todos caminamos por la vida cargando una, desde pequeños la hemos ido llenando de todo tipo de creencias, actitudes, valores, emociones reprimidas. Algunas de ellas son ligeras y nos alientan y animan para seguir adelante, mientras otras nos pesan y nos impiden avanzar.

Disciplina con Amor Tus Emociones

Libro Disciplina con Amor Tus Emociones

Everyone walks through life carrying baggage. Ever since we were little, we have been filling up with beliefs, attitudes, values, and repressed feelings. Some are light and encourage us to keep moving forward while others weigh us down and prevent us from continuing. Most people, however, go through life without stopping to think about what has accumulated; they only notice that as the years pass, they find it more and more difficult to keep going. They blame circumstances, the people around them, or bad luck. The thought of how to lift the weight of their figurative baggage in order to...