Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Paramahansa Yogananda (2 libros)

Vive Sin Miedo

Libro Vive Sin Miedo

Presents a selection of writings and excerpts from talks by Paramahansa Yogananda on the topic of overcoming fear and worries in order to achieve happiness, be successful, and improve one's health.

El Viaje a La Iluminacion/Journey to Self-Realization

Libro El Viaje a La Iluminacion/Journey to Self-Realization

Journey to Self Realization is part of a best-selling trilogy of collected talks by Paramahansa Yogananda, which has sold over 350,000 copies in English. The other two titles, Man's Eternal Quest and Divine Romance are already available in Spanish. The diversity and depth of spiritual topics covered in these volumes is unparalleled. They include: The End of the World • Why is Evil Part of Creation • Mind Power Can Help You Loose or Gain Weight • Answered Prayers • Who Made God? • How to Work Without Fatigue • Be a Conqueror of Hearts • Where is Jesus Now and What is He Doing • ...