Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Nadia Higgins (3 libros)

Sistemas solares: Planetas, estrellas y órbitas

Libro Sistemas solares: Planetas, estrellas y órbitas

Our closest solar system is about 10 light years away. It has two main types of planets. Some are rocky and small, like planet Earth, while others are huge balls of gas, like Jupiter. Learn about how astronomers once thought our solar system was the one and only, to how they have now discovered hundreds of stars with planets orbiting them, which means there could be billions of solar systems in outer space! Just maybe, these alien worlds could host life, like our own amazing planet. This book allows students to use observations of the Sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be...

¿Qué es el dinero?

Libro ¿Qué es el dinero?

In What Is Money?, early readers learn the fundamentals of money and the differences between coins, bills, and their worth. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage early readers as they discover basic economic principles.


Libro Humedales

"This photo-illustrated book for early readers describes the wetland ecosystem. Includes picture glossary and index"--