Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Meritxell Martí (3 libros)


Libro Blue-Azul

Did you know that colors can tell stories? The illustrations in this charming board book introduce your brilliant baby to all kinds of things that are blue, including finny fish and giant whales in the deep blue sea, a blue-jeaned cowboy eating blueberries, and Bluebeard the pirate by the waters of a nearby river. Our blue planet Earth begins this fun story that leads in surprising directions, all with a cool and sincere blue tone. Part of the Colors series. Illustrator Xavier Salomó was born in Barcelona. He studied illustration, drawing, and printing at the Massana School of Barcelona and...


Libro Azul

"¿Sabías que los colores pueden contar historias? Sigue las imágenes encadenadas y descubrirás una paleta de colores, sensaciones y emociones."--Page [4] of cover.

Sports Pop-Up

Libro Sports Pop-Up

El deporte es conveniente para tu cuerpo y tu mente. De equipo o individual, elige uno... ¡y a disfrutar! Este libro pop-up presenta los deportes que habitualmente practican los niños y niñas a través de un protagonista curioso que querrá probarlos todos en una semana. ¡Qué final le espera! ¡Porque practicar deporte es divertido! Preparados, listos... ¡ya! ¿Qué deporte prácticas tú? Sport is good for your body and your mind. Team or individual, choose one ... and enjoy! This pop-up book presents the sports that boys and girls usually practice through a curious protagonist who...