Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Maria Rosa Legarde (3 libros)

30 mandalas para pintar / 30 Mandalas for Painting

Libro 30 mandalas para pintar / 30 Mandalas for Painting

Mandalas have existed for centuries in countless civilizations, where they represented perfection. Today, coloring mandalas offers powerful therapeutic benefits. Pick up a few colored pencils or markers and connect with your inner self.


Libro Mandalas

Mandalas allow us to better understand ourselves and are essential for self-awareness. The creative activity of coloring mandalas requires a departure from everyday consciousness, which lets us experience our deepest feelings and thoughts.

Mandalas Infantiles

Libro Mandalas Infantiles

Mandalas are a reflection of life and when we color mandalas, skills and talents we didn't think we had rise to the surface. We develop a special and unique sensitivity to Mother Nature. We perceive everything with a new and growing intensity. In short, the satisfaction we feel is enormous.