Revista Quinchamalí

Revista de literatura Chile

Libros de Compiled By Barbour Staff (3 libros)

Sabiduría diaria para mujeres

Libro Sabiduría diaria para mujeres

This popular devotional collection—now available in Spanish—is designed to draw women closer to their heavenly Father’s heart. With an inspiring reading and powerful prayer for every day of the year, Daily Wisdom for Women will provide both encouragement and refreshment as readers come to know just how deeply and tenderly God loves them. Women will find their spiritual journey enhanced and strengthened as they experience an intimate connection with their Master Creator all 365 days of the year. Esta colección popular de devocionales —ahora disponible en español— está diseñado...

Devociones de 3 Minutos para Niñas

Libro Devociones de 3 Minutos para Niñas

Take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God's amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father--with these 3-minute readings designed just for you! Tomate unos cuantos momentos de tu dia para calmar tu espiritu, pensar en el asombroso amor de Dios por ti y establecer una valiosa conexion con tu Padre celestial -- con estas lecturas de tres minutos disenadas solo para ti!

Momentos Cotidianos Con Dios

Libro Momentos Cotidianos Con Dios

Share your everyday moments with the heavenly Father, who cares about anything and everything on your mind. Dozens of practical and encouraging prayers will draw you closer to His heart. Comparte tus momentos cotidianos con el Padre celestial quien se preocupa por todas y cada una de las cosas que hay en tu mente. Docenas de oraciones prácticas y alentadoras te acercarán más a Su corazón.